Monday, December 20, 2010

Moments in the Middle

"I love these moments," said my wife, as she sipped her tea and I crafted my second Americano of the day. It was Saturday morning, the to-do list was waiting, and I was already behind on my "should-do" list (that guilt-generator in my head that loves to remind me of what I haven't accomplished!). We chatted about the comfort of our many years together, and marveled at the countless blessings we enjoy. Marriage small talk. No agenda. No planning of the day's activities or arranging of chores. Just a moment in the middle.

It was a sweet moment, as though time stalled, simply by being at peace with slowing down to be together. And then, as unexpectedly as it arrived, the moment slipped away with the buzz of the clothes dryer and the chime of an incoming text message. The dog needed attention and I was off to an appointment at church, and with all that, life was back in motion. It ended up a busy weekend, without much chance to connect as it passed. But oh, that lovely moment in the middle.

Those moments happen in all the best relationships - a surprising conversation in the car with my kids, a shared laugh with a colleague, or a kind Facebook post from a distant friend. It is a treat every time.

A variety of Biblical thoughts came to mind that day. Paul wrote the Thessalonians and said, "Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands...then people who are not Christians will respect the way you live..." (1 Thess 4:11-12). My previous day's Bible reading included Psalm 39: "Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be...each of us is but a breath...I am a traveler passing through."

I guess I shouldn't be surprised - but I still am - that the most precious relationship moments are unplanned and unexpected. You've no doubt at times made elaborate efforts to spend inspired moments with a family member or loved one, only to be disappointed with the result, while another time catching yourself laughing deeply at something spontaneous, even ridiculous. Oh, I know the spontaneous moments are a by-product of intentional and meaningful times together, but how sweet the moments in the middle.

Should I expect it to be any different in my relationship with God, my heavenly Father, the lover of my soul? The Psalmist wrote, "My heart has heard you say, 'Come and talk with me.' And my heart responds, 'Lord, I am coming'" (Psalm 27:8). It's the informal and unplanned moments that can mean the most.

You and I deepen a friendship with God with time spent with him. But we need to slow down at times and be open to those delightful spontaneous moments.

Because even a relationship with God needs those moments in the middle.

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